
final presentation of international designsudio 18.12.2007

Strijp R - historical memory and innovative housing design

Tutor :: Mrs. Irene Curulli :: http://www.terrafirma.nl
Landscapearchitects of Strijp R :: Buro Lubbers :: http://www.burolubbers.nl

By the end of the 20th century, buildings of the industrial age had lost their productive function, thus falling into total disuse. These so called "contemporary ruins" or abandoned industrial areas strengthen our belief in perceived decadence. This kind of negative feeling is worth exploding in all cultures. Abandoned areas record memories and recall memories. They demand that we remember where we are, how we got there, what our values are. Should they ever stop demanding, they would be doomed to "death". Are we sensitive enough to listen to them?

Transforming industrial areas means to re-introduce them into a circle of life through, at first, the positive reading of the concepts of obsolescence and dereliction; then, it implies a work against amnesia of the distinctive qualities existing on the site. In fact, these elements form the raw material for the design and leave wide room for invetiveness, manipulation and creativity.

The project design will concern a proposal for an innovative housing area in Strijp R, the former industrial site by Philips Electronics in Eindhoven, where they invented and producted the television set in the 40's and 50's, one of the most known consumer's good.
According to the new plans for the site, the majority of buildings will be demolished in order to make available space for a residential area. Refusing the "tabula rasa" approach, the design studio will begin with a search for those in-built forces, patterns, materials that are embedded in the site. How to recognise these characterisics and diffrences? The esisting buildings stimulate our perception and inspire memory. How do designers interpret memory in their proposals of transformation? Does memory always qeual nostalgia? Can perception and memory be driving components of the design process? " Memory " is ment for the personal ability to recall information of past event, ideas and feelings... works freely by evocation, metaphor... can´t be dictated.
To design houses in this area it is not only to respond to a market demand but it is a challenging opportunity to experiment with inventive housing and ways of living.
As a result, all projects will try to prove that inspiration from historical memory and innovation are not in conflict. Their mutual relationship is the ground for the architectural design, especially in a rich and distinct site like Strijp R.

Strijp R was built after the World War II and was developed to the production of TVs. See www.jebentR.nl


Strijp R is on the western side of the city of Eindhoven and has an extension of 18ha. It has clear boundaries, marked out by a double line of trees. On the north, Strijp R is bordered by the green field of "De Wielewaal"; on the east, by the industrial area of Strijp T; on south and west, by the housing area of the "Drents Dorp". The site is characterised by a diagonal street, originally an old dike that was transformed in the 50's into a railway line and used for the domestic industrial buildings (northern side) related to the production of TVs (glass and ceramic factory, areas for mounting the screens, production testing labs etc...) The architectural language is bades on principles of standadisation and flexibility. It tracks, and different use of bricks. The elevated streets of cables and carriers are still of strong visual impact.

More info to the project of my group existing of (Mohamed Bayo), Helena Dück, Katja Saje and me you can find in the link of the headline... panel layout by Helena Dück

just want to note that everything you can find about our project is protected by copyright, this applies for the whole webside in general.

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Wow! Karin kannst voll stolz auf dich sein. So ein tolles Projekt.